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  • Door Closer

    Door Closer

    A door closer is defined as any mechanical device that closes a door in a controlled manner, preventing it from slamming, in general after someone opens it, or after it was automatically opened. Cost-effective door closers are commonly used as a fire prevention measure, typically installed on fire doors, as well as helping to prevent draughts. 

    Surface-mounted closers are commonly used for aluminum storefront doors and are the best option for low- to-medium traffic entrances. Overhead concealed door closers are best used in medium-to-heavy traffic areas. For doors installed at exterior locations, the closer should be mounted inside of the building where possible. On interior openings, closers are often specified to be installed on the least public side of the openings. 

    Cost-Effective Door Closer


    The top door closer manufacturer and the top door closer supplier offer your quality door closers. If you maintain your door closes properly, the value for money door closer should last you for more than 10 years before it needs to be replaced.

    The High Quality Door Closer Manufacturer


    Keep exits in full working order with a wide range of door closers. Looking for a door closer supplier in china? Shop door closers and a variety of hardware products at Kedao. 

